Why Tarot?
Tarot is a powerful tool for reflection.
Tarot might seem like a strange tool for corporate or group experience, especially if your exposure is predominantly uncredited Roma-inspired psychics on TV or goth witches in movies.
Before Tarot was a divination tool, it was a game created circa 1400 Italy. Its roots are in play, and isn’t that also a root of all team building exercises? Play and curiosity?
Separate from any particular spiritual tradition, tarot supports growth as well as curiosity. Tarot is a tool for clarity, insight, and focus. No matter your previous experience or personal beliefs, your Group Tarot reading illuminates your current path together. You each choose whether it’s the path you and your company want to be on.
How I Came to Tarot
When I was thirteen my parents asked what I wanted for Christmas. I said a Tarot deck.
I have no idea why, or where the idea came from. TV? But I knew deep in my soul I wanted a deck.
My mom said no.
Fears ran through my head — was she actually one who thought Tarot was Satanic? A gateway to the Devil?
She thought the cards were powerful and that I needed a teacher. As I did not have a teacher, she did not think I should have a deck. Yet.
It’s been over twenty-five years since that first inspiration, and many teachers later — notably Matthew Ellenwood.
A gift and study I look forward to sharing with you.
My quest is to inspire the world I want to live in. Tarot illuminates how.