The Group Tarot Experience
Change your thoughts, change your words;
Change your words, change your actions;
Change your actions, change the world;
But it all begins with your thoughts.
Group Tarot is a unique form of facilitation and team building. Whether you want to shake up your current culture, sit more deeply into co-creating a b.e.s.t. world, strategically plan a bit differently, or just have a fun alternative to a Zoom happy hour, Group Tarot is a surprising yet effective experience for corporations, organizations, teams, and other collectives to interact in a meaningful, engaging way.
Why Tarot?
Insight and practical actions blossom from the shifting of thought patterns. Historically, Tarot was used as a game created in the 1400’s Italy. While it’s clearly often used as a form of mystical insight, its roots are in play. In Group Tarot, the cards open up unique conversation and exploration that benefit the individual and the collective. It’s an incredible tool for helping people step out of their comfort zones in a dynamic and ebullient way.
“I’m sure I’m not the only one to say the collective message superimposed on personal resonance is quite intense.”
— Jennifer Poste
The Experience
“Tonight was, well, magical. Truly. I'm not going to tell you the mechanics, but sitting and centering with a group of (mostly) strangers… cards pulled by the audience… what was pulled was astounding… with the insights Kate shared from the cards, the group path that was so very clear… I'm pretty positive every person in that room was blown away.”
— Nicole Lane
In Person Events
I arrive at a mutually agreed upon time, learn space, set up, and configure the participant area so we all flow easily together. In essence, I not only tap into an expansive energy for the group, but set up an experience allowing everyone to lean in and more deeply connect with the experience on a variety of levels.
Once I set the foundation and we breathe together, the container is set for a fulfilling and illuminating experience.
I call individuals at random from the group to pick the seven cards in the spread.
Then I read them, as I have done for over twenty years.
“It was beautiful and surprising magic. Just, wow.”
— An in person event attendee
The questions brought forth often reflect a common thread for the group as a whole which is amplified and clarified in the cards. On an individual level, the cards are often an affirmation of what the person needs to hear from someone removed from the situation.
Most readings will have a querent say, “Yes, that’s exactly the validation I needed.” And the group is frequently wowed by the collective relevancy of the reading.
In essence, the experience opens the group up to the truth that was always present and needed the right container to reveal it.
Team Building Meets Personal Development
Group Tarot is powerful for intentional groups who have a shared vocabulary and shared experiences. Readings reveal a clearer path for the organization as a whole, while also effecting individuals, all within the same spread of cards.
The experience offers clarity: where the personal path is in alignment with the company path.
Although it may seem like a crazy experiment, it actually engages the entire group to support personal and collective growth. Plus, it’s fun.
“I was on the loading dock while you were on stage a moment ago. We were just talking about what you later shared in the reading. So amazing.”
— Thuy Tu
Dreaming the Impossible into Possible
I bring my thirty years of experience in theatre and over 20 years teaching and facilitating worksh0ps to the table to create an engaging group experience that your employees will rave about long after the event.
Online Experiences
Group Tarot is also online! And was so, before COVID-19.
Which is great because so many teams are global, across varied timezones. This way, teams with members in Dubai, Italy, Sweden, and Croatia, can all connect. I schedule at your team’s convenience. Sometimes this means there is a sunrise behind me for your colleagues enjoyment during our session.
In 2024, I’m hosting hybrid events with Fuse Theatre Ensemble every 5th Sunday. So, if you’d like to test this out before bringing Group Tarot in to your business, here’s a change.
Conscience, “The Sparkly Purple Bus”
Kate standing outside a sparkly purple bus, smiling, looking up.
Welcome to my Vardo-inspired mobile tiny home office!
While she’s still a work in progress, we are available to add purple pizazz to your events.
The ADA lift does work.
Why is she named Conscience or the Traveling Moth? Ask me and find out.