Writers and Creatives Retreat

Invest in yourself and your art with perfect distractions, or solitude.
In a world where we’re socialized to put others needs first, work more, produce more, it can be overwhelming to center yourself. To trust responsibilities will be taken care of well, so you can prioritize you.
Prioritize your art.
Prioritize your healing.
For seven days, or a weekend, or a day, we’re going to rewrite the story.
We’re going to stop the narrative of “there’s no time.”
Because there is time.
Time for yoga.
Time for movement.
Time for writing.
Time for drawing.
Time for good meals prepared for you - brought to your room if you wish! - to your dietary and spiritual needs.
Time to dance.
Time to be silly.
Time to wander.
Time to be messy.
Time to cry in frustration.
Time to breathe in the desert air.
Time to luxuriate in healing hot springs.
Time to stay in your room, in your pjs all day, having meals brought to you so you can just write, write, write.
Because the world needs all of you healthy and whole. The world needs your art, your story. And you deserve the space to just be.

When co-facilitator Kate Mura was studying at the Dell’Arte International School of Physical Theatre, she was incredibly skeptical about creating art in the middle of nowhere California. No big city? No ability to see a different performance every night? That can’t be helpful.
Was she proven wrong!!!
Supported by a small town - in size only, values are inclusive - able to run to the river whenever she was frustrated or stuck, she realized the massive value of having access to nature as a queer creative.
When Zephyr invited her to perform The Tarot Show at the first Art Walk in Hillsboro NM, she felt the same potent energy, similar and different to her time honing her craft in the redwoods. A powerful expansiveness. A value of immeasurable cost.
She walked the small town streets, past old cemeteries, the town store, into Gila National Forest.
Sharing stories with local writers and artists, birds joined the audience, punctuating perfectly, before flying off into the clear blue skies. After sunset, the stars came out, truly like diamonds in the sky, and she didn’t want to go to bed.
You won’t have to. You can stay up, writing, dancing, sketching, or drawing under the stars as late as your soul desires.
Rio Abajo Rio’s mission is to awaken parts of ourselves we may have forgotten and centering us in our present moment through the power of creative acts and conscious bodywork.
They are perfect partners, knowing and being from Hillsboro - no Taker mentality at this retreat! We are good guests for these Chiricahua Apache and Tampachoa (Mansos) lands - and dear friends.
We like to work with small groups. It keeps our environmental impact low, allows spaciousness and community, while enabling Zephyr, Kate, any guest teachers, and the land, to facilitate sustainably.
We’re all going to complete our time together feeling invigorated, aligned, refreshed and ready to co-create our b.e.s.t.* world.
Sign me up!
Wait a minute! I don’t have and don’t want a google account to fill out the form… Here you go!
What’s included?
What do you want included?
Whether we cater to all dietary needs in your group, or communally make meals together, friendship over the sharing of food happens.
Hillsboro participants will stay in comfortable, accessible rooms, in a local, woman owned B & B style, single floor motel. We have the whole place to ourselves!
Rooms have wide doorways, and zero step thresholds. Private bathroom doors are narrower with bath tubs, and space under the sink. There are no grab bars, shower seats can be brought. Both bathrooms attached to the saloon are accessible.
To and from Sunport International Airport.
To and from Gila National Forest.
To and from Cliff Dwellings.
To and from your spontaneous impulse,
Adventure awaits…
Hot Springs
Let your travel stresses and tension melt off in the healing waters of southern New Mexico.
Time to write.
Time to create.
That tarot book you’re working on? Bring it!
Your next duo piece for the fringe festivals? Workshop it with us!
It’s 100% OK to sequester yourself in your room the whole week to just write write write. Create create create. There’s zero pressure to join the other offerings.
All participants receive a hand made journal by N’kole Boynes of Dinner Table Studios.
Hillsboro lodgings are located near the Gila National Forest. Enjoy the nature walks, forest bathing, and desert dancing facilitated by Kate.
Gila National Forest has hikes for all abilities.
Every participant receives 30 minutes of massage and body work from Rio Abajos Rio included in your retreat investment.
You may also purchase additional time at $1/min.
Each day has a morning and afternoon workshop. Subjects range from tarot, movement, yoga, writing, improv, voice, and the land, all included.
There might even be an excursion with private tour to a local museum!
Surprise adventures
There are planned and spontaneous adventure possibilities.
En route to Hillsboro, we’ll stop at the Dunes and enjoy a packed lunch. These ramped walkways give a gorgeous view of the desert.
Who knows what else?!
Maybe you…!
Whether your retreat is in Hillsboro or somewhere else, we love spontaneity.
Every morning you may start with movement and yoga, or visualization. This will be a melding of Kate’s worlds: 20 year yoga practice, 30 years of dance and movement, 20 years with tarot, healing from multiple injuries, and a hysterectomy. The needs of the group are included, and accessible for all bodies.
Some mornings will be facilitated by Rio Abajo Rio dancer/yogi/LMT, Abigail - Kate gets to play (or sleep late) too!
The retreat begins with a Group Tarot reading, Kate’s specialty.
All participants also receive a 30 minute one on one reading which may be used during the retreat or in the following year.
A variety of different tarot and oracle decks from Arwen Lynch Poe’s private collection will be available for use and purchase.
The night sky is AMAZING in Hillsboro, NM.
You may do this every night if you desire.
Poetry Reading
One of Rio Abajo Rio’s favorite things!
Don’t let the title fool you, all your creations are welcome.
Writers, share your words.
Musicians, share your music.
Dancers, share your dance.
Sculpters, sketchers, and painters show us your works.
Participate in a way b.e.s.t. for you.
You may choose to receive feedback or not. We are here to support your creative process.
Color and Collage
Whether you need a break from writing, or if you want to create a vision board for the coming season, or practice coloring outside the lines! Let your inner child play!
It’s important to be a good guest.
One day, we’ll take a rest from our creations, and give back to the community in asked for, meaningful ways.

What about Covid? Or other illnesses?
Open Air
Many of our outings are outdoors.
Room windows can open for more air flow, as can many doors and windows.
Daily Testing
We can supply enough tests for everyone to check daily.
Part of why we like small groups is if quarantining is necessary, it’s easy.
We’re working with the B & B owner to have air purifiers in the shared spaces.

About the land
Hillsboro is located in southern NM about three hours south of Sunport Airport on Chiricahua Apache and Tampachoa (Mansos) lands.
This is where Zephyr of Rio Abajo Rio grew up and intentionally returned.
It’s a quiet town and even though it’s located on Hwy. 152, it’s safe to walk and wheel in the streets where there aren’t sidewalks. Some sidewalks are raised boardwalks with stairs or ramps.
It is a potent place with passionate people we look forward to sharing with you.
*b.e.s.t. = beautiful. equitable. sustainable. timely.
** Participants are responsible for their own transportation to Sunport Airport.