Free Four of Swords Meditation
You don’t have to get out of bed for this meditation.
I don’t know about you, but I get bored doing the exact same thing day in and day out. Variety is the spice of life!
And I recognize there is value in repetition, and know through experience, when I have a strong practice I feel more aligned and grounded.
While I’ve always liked the idea of having a daily practice (and have had a wide variety of them over the years which ebb and flow), I find the actualization of a daily practice daunting and a bit of a turn off.
I listened to my body and created this Four of Swords meditation practice. There is enough variety to keep me engaged. It is short enough that my busy brain doesn’t have a moment of “Oh, I want to prioritize that time for something else today.” And I find it beneficial. I make a concerted effort to do this every day — whether or not it’s in bed. I feel more aligned, and empowered to follow my inspiration and intuition. Which literally helped create GroupTarot.com.
How did this meditation come about? I remembered the old wives tale of itchy palms meaning you’re going to get money — which I needed — and wove it with the work our hands do. Initially, the mantra (and one of the varieties) was “I receive and give wealth easily.” I tend to stay away from “money” as wealth is so much more! Sustainable financial systems have great variety.
It worked. I landed a grant and a loan for this business, along with excited partnerships that continue to grow.
I realized, after weeks of practice, that deeper than wealth, was really the ability to receive and share. Remember share and share alike? I jokingly say that’s what I learned best in kindergarten. That wove into this meditation. To trust that we are valued and deserving, as well as able to share the bounty. Everything has an ebb and a flow, consequently it’s important to stay in the flow. So, the mantra changed to “I receive and share with ease.”
Then my body said, let’s expand from just the hands.
Inspired by da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, the pentacle, chakras, all while listening to my body, I added the Crown, Heart and Soles of the Feet.
Now I give three breaths to the Head, three breaths to Hands and Heart, three breaths to the Feet.
All while in bed.
Hey, meditation isn’t just a sitting practice! Not every body can sit comfortably! And all bodies can access this practice.
Enjoy and Welcome!